Dambusters - Three Good Bounces
by Robert Taylor
New Giclee Editions Now Available
(Limited Supply)
In the history of air warfare few missions come close in terms of courage and the highest skills of precision flying than the one carried out by 617 Squadron on the night of 16/17 May 1943. Code-named Operation Chastise, their mission was to destroy the great dams that were vital to the industries of the Ruhr and, to do so, they would use a radical new weapon designed by Barnes Wallis - a bouncing bomb code-named 'Upkeep' that would ‘skip’ across the water before detonating against the dam wall.
On the night of 16 May, after seven weeks of intensive low level training, nineteen crews flew their Lancaster Bombers from RAF Scampton to carry out what became one of the most legendary missions of all time. The result was the destruction of the Möhne and Eder dams.
“Three Good Bounces” depicts a moment at the height of the successful attack on the Möhne Dam, the first of three primary targets that night. ‘Dinghy’ Young powers Lancaster AJ-A over the dam wall seconds after releasing his bouncing bomb.
Commanding Officer Guy Gibson, flying high with lights on to draw enemy flak, noted that Young’s bomb made “three good bounces” before successfully detonating against the dam wall to trigger its collapse. David Maltby in AJ-J will shortly deliver the final, decisive blow.
Overall size: 22" x 35"
The Giclee Studio Proof: Giclee on canvas. Signed by the artist. Image size: 22" x 38" - 50 prints ($725)
LARGER - The Giclee Exhibition Proof: Giclee on canvas. Signed by the artist. Image size: 34" x 60" - Limited to 10 prints ($1,295)
Limited Edition: Signed by three significant military personnel associated with Operation Chastise. 375 prints ($320)
Collectors Edition: As above plus an additional five (5) 617 Squadron veterans. 150 prints ($485)
Collector's Edition Artist Proof: As above. 25 prints ($635)
The Remarque: As above. 19 prints ($1,225)
The Double Remarque Edition: As above. 10 prints ($1,975)
- Sqdn. Ldr. George ‘Johnny’ Johnson DFM RAF
- Corporal Maureen Stevens WAAF Dr Mary Stopes-Roe
- Sqdn. Ldr. George ‘Johnny’ Johnson DFM RAF
- Corporal Maureen Stevens WAAF
- Dr Mary Stopes-Roe
- Squadron Leader Les Munro DSO DFC RNZAF
- Flight Sgt Grant McDonald RCAF
- Flying Officer Ray Grayston RAF
- Sergeant Fred Sutherland RCAF
- Corporal Ken Lucas RAF
Sqdn. Ldr. George Johnson - Bomb-aimer on Lancaster AJ-T that attacked the Sorpe Dam, scoring a direct hit.
Corporal Maureen Stevens - R/T Operator at RAF Scampton throughout the raid constantly communicating with the crews.
Dr Mary Stopes-Roe - The daughter of Sir Barnes Wallis who, as a child, helped inspire her father to develop the Bouncing Bomb.
Sqdn. Ldr.Les Munro - Pilot of Lancaster AJ-W assigned to attack the Sorpe Dam and one of the three flight commanders.
Flight Sgt Grant McDonald - Rear Gunner on Lancaster AJ-F which attacked the Sorpe Dam despite heavy flak en route.
Flying Officer Ray Grayston - The Flight Engineer on Lancaster AJ-N that successfully breached the Eder Dam.
Sergeant Fred Sutherland - Front Gunner on Lancaster AJ-N which attacked, and successfully breached, the Eder Dam.
Corporal Ken Lucas - Ground Crew with 617 Sqn, he was involved in fitting special modifications to the Lancasters for the raid.

This image is an example of a 617 Sqdn Lancaster, as drawn by Robert Taylor. The actual remarques will vary.